free training in tompkins county

identifying and supporting survivors of Commercial Sexual Exploitation of Children (CSEC) and Youth Trafficking

We offer 2 free half day training programs that can be delivered individually or as a pair. These programs were designed to support the implementation of the federal Preventing Sex Trafficking and Strengthening Families Act, and New York State’s Safe Harbor for Exploited Youth Act. They are co-presented by professionals from a number of agencies working against sex trafficking in Tompkins County. The trainings are recommended for all youth serving professionals, educators, social workers, law enforcement, and concerned citizens.

In 2018 fourteen youth were reported as having experienced or being at serious risk of commercial sexual exploitation in Tompkins County. Over 500 youth in Tompkins County were reported as homeless or vulnerable to homelessness in 2018, national findings indicate that 1 in 5 homeless youth experience commercial sexual exploitation.

Please contact or call 607-277-3203 ext 318 if you are interested in scheduling one or more of these programs for your organization.

Part One: Awareness & Knowledge (3-4 hr) - Free

Part One promotes awareness of CSEC and provides foundational knowledge on identifying and working with survivors of CSEC and youth trafficking. This program recognizes youth victims of CSEC as victims of crime and survivors of abuse, teaches participants to identify the red flags of CSEC and understand what makes youth vulnerable to exploitation. This module offers additional information on what resources exist to support trafficked youth locally, and provides language and methods for engaging youth in health and safety based conversations regarding their sexual experiences.

Part Two: Knowledge & Skills (3-4 hr) - Free

Part Two builds on the foundational knowledge gained in Part One and reinforces practical skills for working with survivors of CSEC and youth trafficking. These skills include methods on how to discuss CSEC and youth trafficking with colleagues and professionals, how to engage in supporting organizational changes in youth serving programs to promote safety and prevent vulnerabilities that could lead to CSEC. This second module delves into creating individualized safety plans to support CSEC and trafficked youth survivors in their emotional and physical needs. Additionally this program recognizes the impact vicarious trauma can have on professionals who work with CSEC and trafficked youth.

Questions or wondering what program would be the best fit for your group? Contact or call 607-277-3203 ext 318.